A young girl grumbles, "ohhh" as she examines her mom's stretch marks on her pregnant belly and asks, "what happened?"
A woman uses her bundled-up young daughter in a winter jacket to clean off the snow on her vehicle in a snowy driveway. Security footage.
A woman records a vlog where she says, "why try to decorate for Halloween and the fall?" as a young smashes her pumpkins with a baseball bat.
In a garage, a young boy makes a television set out of a cardboard box and does a fake news report. He then topples forward but continues to say, "and here's the news."
Young boys stand next to a 6 foot tall dancing Santa Claus decoration when it falls apart.
A man stands on a stool to get into a cabinet above a refrigerator, when his foot slips and he takes a major fall onto the kitchen floor. His young daughter asks if he's okay then says, "We don't stand on chairs." Security footage.
A young boy gets busted as he tries to get Halloween candy off of the kitchen counter with a duster. When a man asks him what he's doing, he says "cleaning," as he starts to dust the hardwood floor.
While her family awaits her at the airport, a woman arrives back from a trip to see her tot son as he holds up a sign that says, "Welcome Home From Prison Mom," as she says "that's not funny," and her husband grins. Featured talent cleared only (the family holding the sign).
A young girl runs straight into the glass door as she's leaving an office. Security footage.
A young girl makes a video message for her grandpa and says "I really love you, and I hope you're not dead."
A woman and a young girl walk across an "obstacle course" of toys. The girl steps onto a toy, stumbling and falling backwards onto the patio.
A mom attempts to help a young boy sled down a snowy hill in a yard, but she slips and rolls down the hill with him.
A young boy sits at a dining table and eats cereal, when he tries to put the bowl up to his mouth the milk splashes in his face and he giggles. Music rights not cleared.
A young girl sits on the back of a boat and says, "I can do this!" while she motivates herself to pull a large crab into the boat. She cheers for herself and celebrates!
Two young boys play in a mud puddle when one faceplants into the puddle, spitting up water as he gets back up.
In a kitchen, a young girl suggests to a man and woman that they throw the "Elf on the Shelf" in the fire and "let it burn" after they blame her and her elf for drawing on a baby girl's face.
A young girl stands on a bucket to get into food on a shelf when she realizes she is on camera she slowly bends back down then falls between the bucket and the wall.
A young girl chases some piglets on a field when she gets plowed over by one of them as they run across the grass.
While he waits to meet Mickey Mouse, a young boy in a Goofy hat runs into a stanchion and topples over backwards in a lobby. Featured talent cleared only (little boy in Goofy hat).
While he stands on ladder, a young boy shoots basketballs with his grandpa. He then gets excited after two swishes and topples forward off of the ladder and falls to the ground.
While a tot girl tries to play tug-of-war with a dog she gets jerked and pulled around which causes her to trip and fall in a yard.
A young girl rolls down a driveway in a stroller then flips over when she hits a fence across the street while her grandma tries to catch up with her. Security footage.
A young girl rolls down a carpeted staircase on her butt when she unexpectedly propels forward and falls at the bottom.
A dad tries to control his laughter, as his two boys race across a yard on their balance bicycles but the younger one topples forward and face-plants.
A man jumps on a splash pad in a yard, slips, and falls.
A young boy gets swung and flung onto the yard, as he tries to exit a front porch door. Security footage.
A young boy learns to ride his bicycle as his dad runs alongside of him on a street. He then pedals into the driveway and hits the curb and topples down into a ditch.
A young boy swings at a golf ball, loses his balance then topples to a living room floor. He gets right back up for another go of it.
A young boy rolls down a grassy hill and knocks another young child down.
Two young boys and a young girl jump on a trampoline, when they fall into the net around it and fall down to the yard. Security footage.
A dad lifts up his tot boy to shoot a basket into the basketball net but the ball comes down and bounces into the man's groin.
A young boy cackles and wobbles on a chair when a pig nudges at it in a living room.
Two young boys and a young girl walk into a driveway while Hurricane Ian blows their umbrellas away. The strong winds then blows one of the tot boys to the ground and breaks his umbrella.
After two young siblings get into the grease bucket from a barbecue grill, they smear it all over a themselves, as well as the patio and dogs.
"Camera Shy Little Guy" A tot boy gets caught while he eats chocolate in a living room. A man speaks to him via the security camera and the tot walks over and slowly turns the camera towards the wall. Security camera.
A tot girl puts makeup all over a young girl's face while she sleeps in a bed.
"Cookie Dough on the Down Low" In a dining room, two tot girls help a woman make cookies while one sneaks cookie dough into her mouth.
Man tries to jump over a Little Tykes basketball hoop and into the pool. He slips and falls instead.