Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man falls on his butt on the grass in the backyard after he doesn't jump high enough to clear a hurdle and it breaks apart. Featured talent cleared (man making the failed hurdle)

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl with make-up all over her face gets upset when her mom tells her it won't come off and she'll have to go to school with it. She points to her older sister and says "It was her idea" while her sister puts a make-up beard on her face.

Frame Aspect: 0.563 Submitter Country: US

A woman holds onto her young daughter as she wake surfs. Her daughter holds onto her legs and surfs with her. Music rights not cleared.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A young girl copies her mother's yoga release pose while in a living room.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl dances in the kitchen. A man runs and slides on the floor in front of her and hits the counter and falls. Music rights not cleared.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A dad yells at his teenage daughter to use a rope swing but she refuses. Her dad then tries but the rope snaps and he falls into the water.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young woman holds food up to a seagull bird on a beach, then screams and runs away while it chases her into the water. Featured talent cleared only (woman scared of the seagull and the man seated beside her).

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman tries to run and jump over a child safety gate but lands on top of it and breaks it. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy does a flip into a pool and lands on a tube and floats on the water.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A man headbutts a watermelon and it doesn't break.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy jumps into a kiddie pool in a yard, but he does a flip and falls on his face into the water.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy pushes his grandmother and his younger sister out of an inflatable above ground swimming pool while they lie of a float.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman finds her young daughter with marker all over her lips, and arms drawing on the wall. The mothers asks the daughter if she's supposed to be coloring on the wall and the girl shrugs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A young boy throws a baseball, knocking a baseball bat off of a tee. The bat is simultaneously replaced on the tee with another ball that had been balancing on the handle of the bat.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

A boy's parents and grandparents hold up a paper banner for him to run through on his first day of kindergarten but on the first try, he runs too low and doesn't rip it, and on the second try, he crashes into it and falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the four adults holding the sign and the child).

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

In a kitchen, a young girl suggests to a man and woman that they throw the "Elf on the Shelf" in the fire and "let it burn" after they blame her and her elf for drawing on a baby girl's face.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man feeds a giraffe that sticks its head through the sunroof of a car at a safari which greatly upsets the young girl sitting in her mother's lap in the front seat.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man and young boy ride in a small boat on a river. The man paddles the boat with an oar, leaning back and falling into the water.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man says "Kipper bowling" in the living room and sets his dog on the floor. The dog runs across the room and knocks down plastic bottles set up like bowling pins.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl blows bubbles for a Great Dane puppy in the front yard, and he jumps up to knock her over.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two young boys play around near patio furniture on a deck. The older boy jumps onto a wicker table, breaking it and falling through head-first. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A teen boy climbs on a rock to jump into a lake, but slips and falls off into the water.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A bear walks up to a pole outside, then itches his back and butt while a man, woman, and kids laugh.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young brother and sister fall off of an inflatable tube raft in to a lake after it hits a wave created by the motor boat pulling them behind it.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl does a back flip on a trampoline in the yard. She lands on her knees and bounces off the edge of the trampoline. She almost falls, but lands on her legs. The woman with the camera asks if she is okay and the girl says "yeah, I landed it."

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A puppy dog climbs outside a screen door on the patio.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A young girl falls in the living room after she trips over her dog while she dances.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A man holds a miniature Pinscher dog while a woman turns the crank of the game "Pie Face" in a dining room, then the dog gets a small amount of whipped cream, and the rest of it lands on the man's forehead.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy throws a basketball to a dog that a teen girl holds next to a basketball hoop in the yard, and the dog hits the ball with his mouth, but it bounces back to him, so he hits the ball again, and then it hits the young boy in the face. Slow Motion

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

An adult man falls off a very high ladder as it collapses in a front yard. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

A teen boy bowls a ball at a bowling alley and a man off-camera says "left handed" and he trips and the ball bounces into the adjacent lane and he falls.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A teen boy does a basketball dribble drill in the driveway. After repeatedly messing it up he gets so mad that he kicks the ball and it hits a light on the house and breaks the glass.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A woman throws a balloon, and a man holds out a baby girl to bounce it off of her head and into a basketball hoop in a bedroom. Slow motion video.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman jumps in a deep puddle with a tot boy and a young girl, in slow motion, but she causes a large splash that hits all three of them in the face.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man and woman doing the "Center of Gravity Challenge" sit in plank position, the woman gets up without hands then the man attempts but falls on his face.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl climbs up a trampoline wall at a trampoline park. The man with the camera asks how she will get down and she says "I'm gonna jump." The girl jumps and lands on the wall and bounces forward and falls.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: United States

A mom holds a water squirt gun in a front yard and a dad sneaks up behind her and dumps a bucket of water on her and surprises her. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

When a dog gets off of his leash, a man chases it up a front porch and takes a young boy down in the process. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy at the lake struggles to reel in a fish so a man tells him to back up. As the son back up, he falls into a bucket and the dad laughs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy leans over the edge of a porch to pick a puppy dog up out of deep winter snow in the yard. The boy climbs off the porch and onto the snow to help the dog. The snow collapses and the boy falls in with the dog and says "help me" to the woman with the camera.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy walks, runs, and jumps on a treadmill in a gym, then his pants fall down.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man cooks hamburgers on a backyard grill with a large fire on it, and a young kid laughs off-camera and asks him what he did.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy in a luchador wrestling mask and cape tries to jump from the ropes of a wrestling ring outdoors, but he falls instead. Featured talent cleared only (two little boys in wrestling ring)

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl snowboards down a hill, and a man yells for her to brake, but she falls on her face. Featured talent cleared only (girl snowboarding).

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A man sits on the couch and holds a pinata on a stick and a young boy swings at it and he winds up and cracks the stick into the man's shins in the living-room.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl in the woods swings on a vine. A man tries too but the vine breaks and he falls.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl throws a baton over head and it hits a man in the groin in the front-yard.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

An adult man brings out a donut with a candle on it for a tot boy's birthday in his house. As the family sings "Happy Birthday," the boy attempts to eat the lit candle and in doing so puts it out.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A man holds his hand out of a car and feeds an emu some pellets. The man says, "Ow!" each time the emu pecks at his hand. The ostrich then goes to teh front window and pokes his head in but a woman screams as she asks someone to close the window. A young boy asks her to stop because he can't see the emu.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy tells his dad that he put his car keys in a potty and flushed them.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman and a young girl play the Pie Face! game at the dining room table. The woman takes her turn, spins the mechanism and avoids the pie slap. The young girl takes her turn, spins the mechanism and the pie is propelled into her face. She immediately starts to cry. Suddenly her younger brother. off-camera, starts to cry as a reaction. Both cry uncontrollably as the woman laughs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

As a young boy in the front yard plays with two dogs, a man rides his bicycle up a ramp but he gets stuck at the top and falls off. He groans loudly.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A piece of a pumpkin hits a teen boy in the face when he pushes it out of an eyehole he carved in it at the dinner table.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a young girl in the kitchen while she sits at the kitchen table. The girl leans too far to the side and falls out of her chair.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy runs through the house with a boxing glove and punches the camera right out of his father's hand.

Frame Aspect: 0.533 Submitter Country: US

An adult woman lands a strike as she falls to the floor while in a bowling alley.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man tries to show a young girl how to blow out her birthday candle, but she leans in and puts her mouth around the flame.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A young girl rolls down a carpeted staircase on her butt when she unexpectedly propels forward and falls at the bottom.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man climbs across a ladder that hangs over a swimming pool. He gets across the pool and stands on a chair. The chair tips over and he falls in slow motion on the chair and into the pool.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A man falls in the kitchen while he dances to a rap song as he rides a hoverboard while drunk.