A teen boy plays field hockey with a man in the backyard when he trips and falls onto a covered pool in the yard. Security footage.
A young girl and boy in hockey jerseys do the floss dance in the stands at a hockey rink. A man driving the zamboni in the background does a drive-by floss behind their heads. Music rights not cleared.
A woman stands on a deck outside. A bunch of snow falls down on her. Security Camera Footage. No Audio.
A man drops a large trophy for the Armed Forces Hockey tournament during a video conference and the other man participating gasp and cringe. Zoom.
A tot boy hits a ball with a hockey stick into a goal, but a goalie dummy is in the way and the boy angrily attacks it.
A tot boy holds a toy hockey stick and falls backwards as his mom asks if he will be a hockey player in a living room.
A teen boy in a living room tries to dunk a toy basketball over a toy hockey table into a hoop and he lands on the hockey table and breaks it and falls down.
A boy and a girl run towards the center of an ice rink indoors to get to a hockey puck and the boy slips and falls and his sister trips on him and falls.
A boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and gets excited because he got tickets to a hockey game. His younger brother gets upset and tears his ticket in half and runs away. He hates the other team his team will be playing.
A young girl practices hockey in a room but hits a puck through a window and breaks the glass.
A young boy holds a hockey puck on the end of a hockey stick as he shows it to the camera in the street. He launches the puck into the air, spins himself and the stick around, then catches the puck on the end of the stick.
A man and his tot son argue because the man wants to watch a hockey game and the boy wants to watch Trolls but the boy speaks in baby talk and then cries.
A dog jumps to see over an air hockey table while a man and woman play.
A young boy shatters a light tube in the garage when he hits it with a hockey puck as he play hockey with his young brother.
Three men play hockey at work, in a large storage room. One man bends over to pick up the hockey puck, and leans against a clothing rack. The rack falls over, and knocks down the other rack behind it too. Secondary source, screen recording from Instagram.
Young boy walks up to camera & says 'Hi, I'm Glenn Rush & I used to play for the NJ Devils." Older brother comes up behind boy & hits him across the face hard. With recovery. Sibling rivalry. Hockey.
"These Boots Are Made For Skating" Man skids across ice on boots then slingshots himself back in hockey rink. Performance
Little girl wearing hockey mask scares her brother in the shower. Practical joke, surprise.
Little girl wearing hockey mask scares her brother in the shower. Practical joke, surprise.
Teen girls take turns leaping over metal posts outdoors when one of the girls gets caught and flips over the post before falling to the ground.
A young boy sleds down a mound of snow outdoors in a hockey helmet. He slides on his face and the grid/ face mask of his helmet fills with snow.
A coach pours water over dry ice to make steam as a female hockey team makes their entrance but the bucket of dry ice drifts away into the rink and several players trip and fall when they don't see it through the steam.
Young boy shoots toy balls into a net with a hockey stick. On his 3rd swing, he hits his brother in the face with the hockey stick. No tails. Siblings.
A tot boy tries to eat a Popsicle through a hockey mask.
"Ice-Capooch" Bulldog is on frozen lake/ ice and is slipping and sliding as he is trying to walk off the ice. Funny walk
Military rollerblader crashes into camera. Date on screen 1994.
"Goaltender Tip Over" A young boy wearing a hockey mask sits in a box in front of a hockey net on a driveway. He's hit in the face with a puck and falls down. Then he makes strange noises as someone shoots pucks at the net. The box is hit and the boy falls down again. Cut in middle of clip. sports.
A teen boy high fives his hockey team as they skate out into the rink, but when he rushes after them, his hockey stick gets stuck on the gate into the rink and he drops it.
A referee slips and falls during a youth hockey game. Sports.
An 8 year old girl is skating on a home ice rink when at 0:32, she swings her stick and hits dad in the head and he drops camera.
Two tot boys simultaneously fall while holding hockey sticks on a patch of ice outside.
Roller hockey guy slap shots & whacks cameraman with ball; hit
Boy playing hockey scores a goal, throws his hockey stick up in the air. It falls & hits his head.
Street hockey guy takes a puck to the groin. Used in CompuServe 9-95 (CS).
Little wiener dog acts as goalie in hockey game.
Young boy hits a man hard in the wrist while playing hockey.
A young girl uses a hockey stick to knock loose snow off a roof while standing on a driveway. The snow falls on her head. Man is about to help her but steps back when the snow falls.
Man hides in a shed with a hockey mask on & scares his friend when he comes in. Man yells. Halloween, practical joke.
A young boy practices shooting a hockey puck and breaks a cabinet door in his garage.
Hockey player scores goal, catches glove and falls down during victory lap.