A mother shows that her kids have dyed celery in cups of food coloring in the yard, then asks the family's Bernese Mountain dog what she thinks of the project. The dog comes over, and her mouth and tongue are blue.
A father and his young daughter try to pop a smoke cannister for a gender reveal and it malfunctions and shoots the man in the face with blue powder.
A man accidentally fires blue confetti into his crotch during a gender reveal video.
A woman asks her dog if she is responsible for a destroyed blue pen, and then she looks at her other dog whose face and paws are blue.
Young kids give each other a powder ball for a gender reveal in a backyard. Then a young boy kicks the ball. It hits his younger brother in the head, covering him in blue powder.
While filming a gender reveal video a father-to-be fires a powder cannon facing the wrong direction, covers his pants in blue powder.
A man kicks a soccer ball and hits a young boy in blue in the face. Another young boy in red scores a goal and cheers for himself out in front yard.
A man and a woman open a barn door. A dog runs out with blue balloons on his collar for their gender reveal. He runs super fast.
A young boy and a young girl unwrap a blue teddy bear for a gender reveal in a living room, then a man and woman ask them what it is, and they yell "a bear." Then they ask the young boy and young girl what that means their baby sibling will be, and they say "blue." When they tell the young boy and young girl that their new sibling is a boy, the young boy says that he won.
A woman in a kitchen finds a blue egg in the Thanksgiving turkey that she cooked. She tries to figure out where it came from. At 2:30, she realizes that her daughter is having a baby boy. Gender reveal practical joke.
A woman tries to scoop spilled blue paint up off a tile floor and put it back in the bucket.
A man is using a tree trimmer when a blue jay flies out from the tree and startles him. When he turns to move away, he stumbles and falls down in the yard. Security footage.
A woman films a gender reveal party outside in a backyard. The gender reveal goes wrong, when the pumpkin spews out blue smoke, instead of pink. Then pink smoke appears and they are happy they are having a girl.
A woman holds a Blue Heron bird and cuts a fishing line that's stuck on the bird. She uncovers the bird's head and the bird growls and bites at her repeatedly before they cover the bird again and take the bird to their patio.
A man jumps out of a U-Haul truck wearing a diaper and covered in blue paint at a gender reveal party.
Truck backs up into blue plastic pool full of water & the pool collapses. He drives away and all of the plastic rips apart.
A man and a woman do a gender reveal in the backyard, and the poppers are blue but the baby is a girl.
Two young girls pop a gender reveal balloon outdoors and blue confetti spills out. The mom asks "What is it?" - the older girl says that it's a boy and the tot girl says "I don't know!"
A family does a gender reveal with their two tot boys at the kitchen table. They bite into their cupcakes but don't find any pink or blue coloring on the inside, and the mother says "there's nothing in my cupcake."
A baby boy in a high chair eats a birthday cupcake. He puts the cupcake down and a dog takes it from his hand. The baby boy cries.
A man and woman dressed in all blue wait for a gender reveal. A group of dog puppies in pink tutus run out from a barn behind them. Pregnancy
A young boy bounces a large green yoga ball with a smaller blue ball on top and the smaller ball hits him in the groin.
A person holds a peanut in the yard and a blue jay bird jumps off a fence and flies over in slow motion and takes the peanut out of the person's hand.
A man and woman pull a toy light saber out of a hole in a box for a gender reveal and the light saber is blue for a boy.
A young girl puts her face into a big glob of blue slime and has trouble taking it off afterwards.
A family does a gender reveal at the beach, and a young girl gets covered in blue powder from the cannon.
A woman gets blue powder on her face when she turns towards her husband while he fires a gender reveal cannon in the backyard.
A woman hits a baseball with a bat and blue powder explodes all over her face in a yard.
A man stands next to a woman in a yard and pulls a gender reveal cannon and it fires the wrong way and blue smoke explodes onto his pants.
A young girl opens a cardboard box of blue balloons at a gender reveal and she looks down into the box and says, "no brothers are in there." Then, her dad explains to her that the color balloons means that there is a brother in "mommy's tummy" and the girl says, "I think it's going to be a sister."
A young girl gets covered in blue powder from a gender reveal balloon when her father pops it over her head in the backyard.
A dog pops balloons with her paws in the living room until they pop one with blue confetti in it for a gender reveal.
Blue powder from a gender reveal cannon covers a senior woman in the backyard when it explodes as she twists it.
A man and woman open an envelope to reveal the gender of their baby. A blue post-it note makes them think that it is a boy and they are excited. The man jumps around and yells, "Let's go!" Then they peel back the note and "It's a girl!" is written on the ultrasound picture. They both seem disappointed even though they say they're excited.
Senior man wearing only blue shorts dances some hip hop moves in the backyard.
Teen girl puts makeup and blue wig on her dad. Smiles with bright lipstick.
A woman throws a ball that explodes to a man with a baseball bat for a gender reveal in the yard. Her husband hits the ball and part of it hits his wife in the back and she falls.
A family opens a box of cupcakes to reveal the gender of a woman's baby. The cupcakes are pink. Grandma is call excited that it is a girl, but then the cupcakes are pink outside but inside they are blue. It is a boy. Then Grandma is disappointed.
A woman drop kicks a ball at a gender reveal party and the ball explodes into blue smoke powder and she falls down then gets up to celebrate.
A family shoots confetti cannons on the pool patio for a gender reveal and the boy has his backwards, so he gets shot in the groin and falls down.
A tube of blue food dye explodes on a young girl when she squeezes it too hard as she tries to color a blob of slime on the dinner table. Assignment America: Slime. Action starts at 1:20.
"Dog Catcher" Bulldog chews on a blue rubber ball and pops it into the air with his teeth. Dog freezes, then catches it. Used in season 22 mobile app mail plugs.
Baby boy in a blue shirt smiles while taking a nap in his car seat. Cute.
Tot girl has blue paint covering her face, & young boy says he painted her because she was painting in front of him. Mess.
Gray white cat wearing a blue shirt sweater walks up to a can of paint and smells it, it falls off the porch.
Tot boy sits in a chair and has green and blue marker all over his face. He drew fake glasses around his eyes with blue marker. Mess.
A boy indoors hammers a hole in the wall, then drops the hammer inside of the wall.
A girl wearing a blue hat outdoors jumps and slips on a frozen trampoline, breaking the ice on the surface. Another girl is audible off camera.
Shirtless large man dances wearing red shorts and a blue hat outdoors.
"Bathwater Blues" Young girl dunks head in bubble bath and baby girl in bath tub says she peed. . Kids say
A tot boy driving a blue toy car outdoors runs over a baby boy who bends down to pick up a dropped item. The baby falls and cries.
"New Baby Blues" Parents tell son & daughter in car that they're going to have a baby sister. Girl is excited but boy screams & cries because he wanted a brother.
Two girls in blue coats, one in a blue hat, one in a white hat, stand in the snow and introduce "Tom Brrrrrrrrgeron." Sophia (10) & Olivia (8) Born.
"Harmonicat" A.A. Cat tricks. Cat sings the blues as man plays the harmonica. His meows punctuate the song at all the right spots.
A teen boy in a blue jacket tries to dunk a basketball into a net outdoors and falls, pulling the entire hoop and net down on top of him.
A woman scolds a boy and a little girl covered in blue paint. A mess of paint is all over the house.
A little boy rubs sticks together and a man starts a fire for him when he's distracted by a blue bird.
Teen boy tries to climb up a blue plastic slide at the park, he slides back down and hits a girl in the face with his butt. He knocks her down in the snow.
A really ugly hairless chinese crested dog sits in a kitchen wearing a blue wig and sticking its tongue out.