A man kneels opposite a German Shepherd dog. The man makes a treat disappear, and the dog barks.
A dog barks at a picture of a dog on the side of a building.
A dog sits in a front yard, then a woman tells him to go greet a man who walks up to the front door, but the dog's leash is tied to a pillar that falls down when he runs. Security footage.
A dog's head follows the wipers across a windshield. It stands on the dashboard and beings to bark at the wipers.
A bulldog walks on his hind legs and rolls a ball down the hallway and barks in the home.
A dachsund dog brings her toy to a Michael Myers Halloween decoration at home, then squeaks it and barks.
A woman says "how am I gonna stop you from barking in the back yard," to her Rottweiler dog, and the dog hits a button that says "put me in the front yard!"
Two dogs inside the house bark at a trash can as it rolls down a rainy street in a front yard.
A dog eats peanut butter out of a jar in the living room and every time the owner puts her hand near the jar, the dog growls.
A man swims in a pool and calls a dog into the water. The dog stands on the edge of the pool and barks at him. Eventually, it jumps into the pool and crashes into the man.
"Camera Confuses Canines" A dog sits on the living room floor and reacts with a bark when its owners talk via the Ring camera. Another big dog comes out after it hears its owners. A man and woman cackle when both dogs put their faces up to the camera to investigate. Security footage.
A woman does the disappearing human trick with her dog in the living room. The dog looks around the room for her, then barks when he smells her underneath the blanket.Disappearing Human Trick
A woman in a senior man mask sings and dances in the living room and a dog jumps and bites the hair on the mask and pulls it off.
A large mixed-breed dog pulls a woman across the driveway with his leash when he runs to bark at the UPS delivery driver.
A young girl does the disappearing human trick on a dog in the living room. When the dog gets back to the room, it drops the toy and runs around and looks for her. It starts to bark and then finds her when she moves under the blanket. Disappearing Human Trick
A dog barks over a tennis ball stuck under his food bowl, and a man reveals there are dozens of tennis balls all over the floor.
A dog barks at the cameraman as he reaches for an oreo.
A woman tells a Husky dog to lay down and it howls and barks at her in a strange way in a living room.
A great dane dog growls and barks at a cat in the kitchen, then runs when the cat starts to chase him.
An English bulldog puppy dog barks and growls at a cat who claws at the dog before the dog falls over, then gives up and walks away.
A Chihuahua dog in a bumblebee costume barks as people get too close to a bowl of candy he stands by in the living room.
A dog barks from inside of a car at a picture of a dog on the car parked next to them.
A man stands outside of a front door and barks at dogs inside of the house. A dog pushes the door forward in his face. Security camera footage.
A cat and Yorkie dog bark and hiss at each other on other sides of a sliding glass door at a home. They both attack and paw and flail at the door.
A Yorkie dog paws at a dog statue in the house house and barks at it when a woman says "he won't play with you?"
A dog barks at a woman who tells him to lay down and behave. He continues to bark until she says "I'm gonna tell daddy," and he stops and lays down on command.
A man asks his dog if he can have his shoes back and the dog growls and then barks at him and bares his teeth before he attacks the man's feet.
A Basset Hound dog barks and blows out its own birthday candle in the living room.
A puppy dog barks in a dream in his sleep and his entire stomach shakes.
A dog barks at and grabs the mail from the front door slot in the house.
A tot girl stands on a trampoline while a dog walks around and barks underneath. Her older cousin then shouts "you're ruining a family moment!"
A dog barks at a statue of a young girl in the backyard. A man comes up behind the dog and scares it.
A woman tells a dog that she loves him and the dog barks back.
A Husky dog and a German Shepherd dog climb on a woman and make noises as she says tells them that she is trying to take a nap.
A medium-sized yellow dog paws and barks at a hole in a linoleum floor indoors and gets more spooked when a hand repeatedly pops out of the hole.
A puppy dog barks to be let out of gate that is wide open.
A dog barks as he chases its leash around a crate.
A cat sits in the window sill in the living room indoors and paws at a dog when it barks at it. The screen on the window somehow breaks off and the cat loses its balance and falls out the window.
A dog drops its ball in a swimming pool and stretches its short legs to reach for it. The dog barks at the ball when it can't reach and eventually the ball floats over to the dog.
A pitbull dog howls in a man's arms at the dinner table while he and a woman sing happy birthday to him.
A pitbull dog howls in a man's arms at the dinner table while he and a woman sing happy birthday to him.
A dog barks and whines in the living room until a woman covers him with a blanket.
A teen girl holds two puppy dogs in her hands in the kitchen and whenever she brings them close together, they start to bark at each other. Twin dogs
A dog barks when it can't open refrigerator that has a padlock on it. The dog opens the freezer and pulls items out and more fall to the floor.
A chihuahua dog barks and runs away from a plate of food in the kitchen when it sees a spider printed on the plate after it eats the food that covered the design up.
A dog barks to blow out its birthday candle after a family sings happy birthday to the dog.
A Beagle dog jumps up and down as a woman gets his food ready.
A dog barks at a man on a jungle gym and tries to jump up a small slide, but gets stuck and his legs move back and forth.
A dog barks and whines when a woman says the word bubbles at her office, then the dog jumps in the air and catches bubbles in his mouth while the woman blows bubbles for him.
A mailman barks at a turkey and the turkey flies at the man and knocks him down into the snow. The man continues to yell at the turkey and the turkey continues to fly at him. Video repeats.
A Yorkie dog growls at a man in the bathroom to turn the shower on. The dog barks and spins around when he turns on the water in the bathroom.
A small dog barks at the cat picture in a book.
A dog barks and runs away from a man when he opens a door next to them as he wears an inflatable dinosaur costume.
A dog barks at a moose in the yard and the moose runs at the dog, who then chases the moose back.
A dog barks as mail comes through the slot in the door and then he rips up the envelopes as they come through the slot.
Two dogs wrestle on a bed in the bedroom and the bigger dog throws the smaller dog off the edge of the bed.
A dog barks at a picture of a dog on an RV next to the car.
A pointer dog drops a tennis ball in front of a scarecrow in the backyard while she barks at it to play with her.
Two Beagle dogs sit in the living room. One dog barks, scaring the other, who runs into a planter and knocks it over, breaking it.