A teen boy hits a golf ball at a tree in the yard and it bounces back to hit him.
A woman pulls into a driveway in a truck. She gets out of the truck and the truck rolls back across the street and hits a tree. She runs after it. Security footage.
A man tries to climb down a tree with his head facing down but when he falls, his pants catch on the tree and hold him up. He asks someone to take a picture. Music rights not cleared.
A man helps a young boy carry a plate of cookies to a table next to a Christmas tree for Santa. Then the man gives the boy a bottle of milk to put next to the cookies. The boy takes the lid off the bottle and pours the milk on the cookies.
A dog with a cone on his head bites a Christmas tree and pulls it over in a living room. Security footage.
A man rides a hoverboard in the living room and falls over, knocking down the Christmas tree.
Two construction workers chop a tree down in a front yard, then run away from a swarm of bees.
A teen girl climbs a tree outdoors and hangs from one of the branches. Her older sister walks behind her as the climbing girl says "It's gonna break" and asks her sister "You gonna catch me?" before the branch breaks and she screams as she falls to the ground.
A man pulls down a sawed palm tree into a trailer attached to a truck and it slams into it and the hitch pops off and breaks the tail gate off in the front-yard.
Two men try to move a large pine tree when one of them gets pinned under the trunk..
A dog in the living room pulls on the lights on the Christmas tree and the whole tree falls. Security Footage.
A man cuts down a tree in his backyard. It falls on the shed and the man throws the chainsaw on the ground. Security Footage.
A man cuts a string at the bottom of a fresh Christmas tree in the living room and the branches fall to the floor. The man insists he did "nothing."
A woman jumps from a table with a rope swing at a pond before she has a good grip on the rope and she falls on the ground at the edge of the water.
A tree branch falls on top of a man in the yard when he jumps with a rope attached between him and the tree to make it break.
A group of young kids ride on a porch swing in the yard while another boy pushes them. They sing a Christmas carol together and the chain for the swing breaks and they fall on the ground.
A teen boy tackles a tree in the forest and it falls, but part of the tree falls on his head.
A woman falls on her back in to a lake when she loses her grip on a rope swing tied to a tree as she swings over the lake.
A teen girl stands on a tree swing and rocks back and forth in a yard. She loses her balance and falls forward, then the swing hits her in the head.
A teen girl walks around a branch across a small stream. The tree branch cracks and the girl falls into the water.
A woman jumps from a tree into a pond. She lands on the water, flat on her back, hard.
A man poses by car and a pile of snow from the trees fall down on him outside. Featured talent cleared only (man who gets snow dumped on him).
A young man and a dog climb up a spiral staircase to a tree house. The staircase falls and the man and the dog crash down to the ground.
A young boy walks across a creek on a tree branch and it breaks and he falls into the water.
A bear stands on its back legs and pulls on a bird feeder that hangs from a tree branch in the yard. It pulls the feeder off the branch and then carries it back to the woods.
Three adult cousins sit on a wooden swing hanging from a tree when they fall to the ground, laughing.
A dog gets tangled up in the lights on a Christmas tree in the living room and plays with another dog. The two dogs pull on the lights so hard that they knock ornaments off the tree and eventually knock the tree down as well.
A man leans in through a car window in a yard and starts his car. Without anyone behind the wheel it drives itself forward and crashes into a tree. The car then somehow puts itself into reverse and drives backwards and nearly hits the man and the woman with the camera. The man chases after it and it chases into another tree before the man is able to safely turn off the vehicle.
A young boy sleds down a hill but crashes into a tree in the winter snow.
A woman and a man walk through a yard. A dog shoots out from behind a trees and knocks the woman over. Security footage.
Two young girls play softball in a backyard when one swings, hits the ball and it flies up and breaks some glass on the side of the house.
A young boy and his friend play with a football. The boy runs into a tree while he runs away from his friend.
A teen girl falls off of a chair in a living room and a Christmas tree falls on top of her.
A man records a woman as she cuts down a tree when it falls on top of him.
A man cuts a tree in the yard and the woman with the camera yells "timber." The tree falls on a playground.
A cat falls off of a cat tree to the living room floor.
A man swings on a rope outside with children around. He accidentally knocks into a young child.
A woman at the top of a zip line structure asks a young boy "will it break?". He says no, then she rides down the zip line and crashes into a tree and falls.
A man uses a pool net to smack a beehive off a tree branch in a yard. The hive falls to the ground, then a swarm of bees attack the man and he jumps into the pool and yells. Security footage.
A man uses an ATV to pull a tree stump out of the ground in the yard and the rope snaps off the tree and hits the man in the back.
A young girl rides on a zip line outdoors and stops short at the end, crashing into a tree and falling on the ground.
A man swings onto a rope from a tree into a lake and lands hard on a rock before he gets to the water. Featured talent cleared only (the man swinging on the rope as well as the man in swim trunks next to him).
Three teenagers at a campground run at a tree with a long branch and try to snap it but it doesn't break and the teen boy falls down.
Two men are sledding down a snowy hill when they go over a jump. They fly into a tree branch and crash and fall.
A man uses his pick-up truck to uproot a tree in his front yard and it falls on his truck when he pulls it out.
A boy tries to slide down a home made zip line outdoors and it breaks and he falls into a bush.
A man chainsaws a tree down outside then tree falls and a piece of branch hits man behind camera and he drops phone.
A man cuts down a tree next to water, and it breaks a dock and a boat when it falls.
A cat runs after a bear cub and the bear climbs up a tall tree in a yard.
A teen girl tries to jump onto a tree branch but she falls to the ground.
Two men pull a tree down in a yard, and it lands on a shed and breaks it while another man says "oops."
A pick up truck rolls backwards out of a driveway and off screen. Security footage.
A lizard lays on a toy train and rides it in circles on a track under a Christmas tree in the living room.
A woman stands in the front yard with a Halloween decoration, and talks about hurricane Zeta as rain whips around her. The wind picks up, then a branch breaks off a tree and knocks her over.
A woman swings in a hammock to try to get out of it, but one of the trees it is tied to collapses.
A construction vehicle cuts tree branches in the yard and a large branch falls on the roof of the breezeway and the roof collapses.
A woman tries to leap over a puddle of muddy water and falls in waist-deep. She says "don't put this on Instagram!"
A teen girl sits on a swing attached to a dead tree branch, then it collapses and she falls down in the backyard.