HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-28 Upload Date: 2023-06-08

A man outside throws a baseball to a young boy. The son doesn't even move to try to catch it. He then sighs, drops his mitt, and walks away as the dad says, "OK?"

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-24 Upload Date: 2023-07-24

A young man skateboards around the parking lot with an open coffee and a box of donuts in his hand as he says, "My balance is impeccable!" As soon as he gets off of the board, he spills the coffee.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-23 Upload Date: 2023-03-06

A teen boy hits a golf ball at a tree in the yard and it bounces back to hit him.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-22 Upload Date: 2023-08-11

A man at the golf driving range swings his club but the ball travels only a few inches and goes back into the bucket of balls. He tries again and it goes farther this time. A woman tells him, "Good job!"

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-15 Upload Date: 2023-03-20

A young boy in his house pitches a baseball. A teen boy bats and hits a clock which falls off the wall and breaks.

HVL Publishing Date: 2025-01-10 Upload Date: 2019-02-12

A young boy hits a baseball in a batting cage, and the ball bounces back and hits him in the groin.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-23 Upload Date: 2023-03-22

A young boy dribbles a basketball in a basement then attempts to do a backwards dunk when the hoop topples over.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-20 Upload Date: 2021-03-02

A man practices a golf swing in the living room. He does it again and accidentally breaks a ceiling light.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-18 Upload Date: 2019-02-05

A teen girl smacks a volleyball, it bounces off a basketball goal and smacks her in the face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-12 Upload Date: 2021-02-19

A young boy and young girl ride on a sled pulled by a vehicle through a field of snow, when a dog knocks them both over.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-12-04 Upload Date: 2023-08-10

Two young women play table tennis in the college student center. One of them accidentally spikes the ball into her friend's face who dramatically falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two women playing ping pong).

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-11-25 Upload Date: 2023-11-13

A young boy at a bowling alley runs down the lane, trips and faceplants when he rolls the ball, yet still gets a strike.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-11-20 Upload Date: 2023-11-24

A man in the living room wears a virtual reality headset and fights something. He accidentally punches and breaks the chandelier.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-30 Upload Date: 2023-01-03

A young boy does backflips on a trampoline in the backyard. On the last flip he flies into the wall and falls on his back.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-29 Upload Date: 2013-12-08

A stressed out man watches a football game on television and makes a phone call, telling the woman behind camera not to talk. He yells with excitement when the other team misses and his team wins. Broadcast NFL footage not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-11-21

A teen girl kicks a basketball through a basketball hoop.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-23 Upload Date: 2021-04-28

Two men sail on a sailboat on a lake when one man attempts to hang on the boom (he's attached to the sail by a cord/rope). The man falls and gets dragged in the water behind the boat by his lifejacket.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-16 Upload Date: 2021-07-03

A young boy hits a baseball on a driveway, then it hits him in the face. Slow motion.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-15 Upload Date: 2021-03-30

A young boy kneels on a skateboard and rides it down a dirt hill. He hits a stream at the bottom and falls off the board into the water.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-04 Upload Date: 2021-12-06

A teen boy catches a deep pass against another teen boy in coverage. He then does a dance before he spikes the ball, but the ball comes back up, hits him in the face, and knocks his sunglasses off. Security footage. Music not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-02 Upload Date: 2021-02-13

A teen girl skis up a snow bump, then she falls out of her skis on a mountain.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-30 Upload Date: 2021-02-23

A teen boy throws a football to another teenager in the yard. A dog runs after the ball and crashes into the second teen boy and knocks him down.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-26 Upload Date: 2019-03-12

A young boy in a yard throws a baseball to his teen brother but misses and breaks a window.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-25 Upload Date: 2023-06-14

A dog stands in front of a punching bag and hits it with its nose repeatedly, knocking it over.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-19 Upload Date: 2023-08-29

A man on a basketball court tries to shoot a basketball as he faces away from the hoop but he misses. The ball bounces back and hits him in the face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-19 Upload Date: 2022-01-05

A man plays a game of VR tennis. He charges a shot, crashes into a table and falls over. Security footage.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-19 Upload Date: 2020-12-21

A young boy runs in slow motion in a furnished basement and another boy throws a football to him. The ball hits the boy in the face, but he catches the ball as he falls on the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-18 Upload Date: 2023-08-19

A teen boy dribbles a basketball court and attempts to slam dunk the ball but faceplants, hard, on the court.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-16 Upload Date: 2018-02-07

A young girl takes a swing at a tee ball and unexpectedly hits it directly at the camera, resulting in a direct hit to the camera man's face.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-16 Upload Date: 2021-11-21

Two young girls play softball in a backyard when one swings, hits the ball and it flies up and breaks some glass on the side of the house.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-09-16 Upload Date: 2016-11-14

A young boy and his friend play with a football. The boy runs into a tree while he runs away from his friend.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-29 Upload Date: 2021-11-21

Two teen boys throw a football back and forth in a neighborhood and driveway. One teen goes to catch the ball and whacks the side of his body into a parked vehicle. Security footage.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-26 Upload Date: 2013-11-12

One teen boy throws a basketball to another outdoors, who rebounds it with an exercise ball, off of the roof and wall of a house and into a basketball hoop.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-23 Upload Date: 2018-11-28

A man holds on to a pole on a boat and water skis without the ski. He then falls into the water.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-20 Upload Date: 2021-06-04

A man slips and falls as he practices a kick on a punching bag.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-14 Upload Date: 2015-09-25

A man tries to drive his golf ball off a boat and then ends up hitting himself in the knee.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-12 Upload Date: 2020-11-10

A man runs and jumps over a hurdle in slow motion on a football field, but he lands on top of it and falls backwards onto the ground. Featured talent cleared only (the man jumping the hurdle).

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-12 Upload Date: 2021-07-20

Two men play tennis in the yard and one of them trips and falls into the net. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-06 Upload Date: 2021-12-03

A man swings a golf club in the air at a golf course, then he hits the ball and falls on the ground.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-05 Upload Date: 2022-11-15

A man rides in the passenger side of a golf cart. He sticks his club out of the cart and swings at a ball on the ground as the cart drives by when he falls out of the cart.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-02 Upload Date: 2020-08-02

A senior man golfs in the rain on a golf course and swings his club. When he hits the ball, the club slips out of his hand and flies over his shoulder and he turns around to see where it went.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-01 Upload Date: 2021-01-21

A young boy plays soccer with his dad in the backyard, but he trips and falls into the net.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-01 Upload Date: 2022-03-20

A woman tries to dribble a basketball around a man and she loses the ball and falls over in the alley-way.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-08-01 Upload Date: 2015-09-14

A man on water skis holds onto ropes behind a boat when the boat takes off and pulls him fast into the water.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-24 Upload Date: 2021-04-01

A young girl and boy in hockey jerseys do the floss dance in the stands at a hockey rink. A man driving the zamboni in the background does a drive-by floss behind their heads. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-23 Upload Date: 2021-02-13

A man tries to run quickly down a store aisle in cleats and immediately trips and falls.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-23 Upload Date: 2015-11-09

A woman holds onto her young daughter as she wake surfs. Her daughter holds onto her legs and surfs with her. Music rights not cleared.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-22 Upload Date: 2019-12-09

A man kitesurfs on a kiteboard in the ocean and gets raised up and down in and out of the water.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-12 Upload Date: 2014-09-14

A man throws a football over his house and it goes through a basketball hoop in his backyard.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-12 Upload Date: 2014-05-15

A girl swings a racket at a tennis ball on a court. She misses and swings back, hitting it into her coach's groin.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-10 Upload Date: 2018-09-30

A young boy throws a baseball, knocking a baseball bat off of a tee. The bat is simultaneously replaced on the tee with another ball that had been balancing on the handle of the bat.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-05 Upload Date: 2015-06-16

A young boy hits himself in the face with a punching bag outdoors.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-18 Upload Date: 2020-10-06

A woman drives a scooter around on a golf course. She crashes and falls and another woman curses.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-06-05 Upload Date: 2022-03-21

A teen boy bowls a ball at a bowling alley and a man off-camera says "left handed" and he trips and the ball bounces into the adjacent lane and he falls.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-30 Upload Date: 2021-04-24

A woman throws a balloon, and a man holds out a baby girl to bounce it off of her head and into a basketball hoop in a bedroom. Slow motion video.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-28 Upload Date: 2023-06-27

While he stands on ladder, a young boy shoots basketballs with his grandpa. He then gets excited after two swishes and topples forward off of the ladder and falls to the ground.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-23 Upload Date: 2023-06-12

A young boy at the lake struggles to reel in a fish so a man tells him to back up. As the son back up, he falls into a bucket and the dad laughs.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-22 Upload Date: 2021-04-20

A man throws plungers against a target board, and they stick.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-07 Upload Date: 2023-07-16

A young girl practices a gymnastics move in the bedroom. The third time, she slips and falls.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-05-07 Upload Date: 2023-06-23

A young boy punches and kicks a dummy in a sporting goods store and he tries to kick the head and slips and falls.