A woman leans on a railing and falls into the yard when it breaks. Then a dog pees on her. Security footage.
A young girl tells her dad that her brother went potty. When the man and his daughter walk into the bathroom, they see that the boy fell into the toilet.
A young boy is stuck inside of a toilet with one leg sticking out. He holds up a bottle of liquid soap.
A teen boy climbs a bunkbed in the bedroom but it collapses. Security Footage
A man carries a cabinet outside and across a front lawn. The cabinet falls apart in his hands. Security Footage.
Two dogs tilt their heads simultaneously when they listen to a person's razor buzz in the bathroom.
A young girl walks through a beaded curtain and her neck gets caught in a tangled piece and the curtain rod falls on top of her.
A port-a-potty is blown across a parking lot by the wind.
A man plays a practical joke on his wife, telling her that there's a bat is in the bathroom while she takes a shower. He throws a sock behind the shower curtain, and she screams.
A sled dog starts to stumble and slide over the reigns as it tries to squat and go to the bathroom while pulling a sled through a snowy trail.
A man and woman wash their dog in a bathroom, then he gets away when the man tries to dry him. The woman falls back into the bathtub and takes the shower curtain down with her.
A woman looks in the camera and has her hair in a roller in the bathroom and she says "and just go straight down the hair and the pulls the roller and it pulls a lock of her hair clean off and the woman grabs the hair and says "That wasn't supposed to happen.
A young boy in the house explains to a man that he put all of his mom's makeup in the toilet. The dad asks his son "What do you say?" The boy says, "Cheese!"
A man has passed out on a toilet. He gets scared awake and falls into shower, flushing toilet at same time.
A young boy puts several towels in the toilet then gets his foot stuck in the baby potty in the bathroom.
A woman waxes a man's nose and he screams and laughs when she pulls the first wax applicator stick out. A young girl tries to pull the second one out but pulls multiple times and cannot get it out.
A cat climbs along the edge of a bathtub when it slips and falls in the water. Covered in soap suds and bubbles it climbs out and runs away.
A woman demonstrates how to uses a bidet in a bathroom and turns a valve causing the water to spray her in the face.
Shreds of junk are littered across a floor. A Golden Doodle hides in a shower. A woman pulls the curtain back and says to the dog, "Ogden, what did you do? Did you get in the trash?"
A Great Dane walks across the bathroom counter to avoid a vacuum cleaner.
A construction worker leans against the door of a port-a-potty preventing his coworker from exiting. He then hides in the next toilet allowing his confused coworker to escape.
Two men rock a port-a-potty back and forth as a woman sits inside it and yells at them to stop.
A senior man holds a dachshund puppy in a backyard and says that she will go to the bathroom in a fenced enclosure that he made. He puts the dog into the enclosure and she immediately squeezes through the posts in the fence.
A man sits on a toilet and asks a young girl to bring him toilet paper. She enters the bathroom and he smears chocolate on her arm. When she realizes it she screams and runs out of the bathroom.
A woman brushes her teeth in the bathroom with a bird on her toothbrush.
A woman sits on a sink to pee in a public bathroom and the sink breaks.
A young boy tells his dad that he put his car keys in a potty and flushed them.
A woman dances in an airport bathroom and falls. Snapchat.
A man tries to use his new bidet but sprays himself in the face then slips and says "Turn it off" to the camera person in the bathroom.
A man climbs on to a ladder and talks to his young daughter, who has locked herself in the bathroom by standing in an open drawer to block the door from being opened.
A woman puts a man's boxers over her face and looks surprised and yells that it is dirty as she makes a homemade face mask and talks to the camera in a bathroom.
A young woman gets in the shower with her clothes on. She lip syncs to music and raises her arms in the air. When she does the shower curtain falls and so does the woman. Music rights not covered.
A teen girl throws flour onto her teen sister when she comes out of the shower. When the flour-covered sister walks out of the bathroom, she slips and falls on the ground.
A woman washes her hands in a public bathroom. Then she attempts to shake the water off in another person's face. She slips and falls as she does.
Two teen girls film a raccoon who washes his paws in the bathroom sink.
After hearing her young daughter pas gas, a mother asks whether she needs to go to the bathroom.
A woman puts two M&M's on the table in front of a young girl and says not to touch them while she is in the bathroom. She walks out of the living room. The girl peeks over then grabs the M&M's and puts them in her mouth. The woman reappears and catches her. The girl freezes and makes a face.
A man slips and falls on ice in the front yard. His pug dog continues to go to the bathroom on the grass as he lies on his back. Home security footage.
Tot boy wears onesie / baby clothes on his head. He closes a toilet seat on his thumb in the bathroom and makes a funny pained face.
"2-Ply Surprise" A woman laughs as she follows toilet paper that sticks to a man's waistband into the bathroom.
A tot boy has shaved the middle of his hair in a bathroom, and he tells a woman that he made himself "beautiful."
A man opens a door, surprising a woman as she gives their baby boy a haircut. She holds a hair buzzer and screams. Prank
A man sits on the toilet in a bathroom, and a cat sits on his shoulder. He says that he cannot go to the bathroom without the cat, then shows that a second cat also followed him into the bathroom and sat in his underwear.
A cocker spaniel dog digs against a plastic bin of dog food at home, and a man points out that her food bowl is already full. She continues to scratch the container, then the man points out her food bowl again, and she eats out of it.
A tot girl in a bedroom tries to bring coffee to a woman in a bathroom, but stumbles on the threshold and drops it.
A dog barks at a cat that is sitting in a toilet bowl. When the dog gets too close, the cat repeatedly swats at the dog.
A man and two young boys dance the "YMCA" in a bathroom, but the man falls backward and breaks the shower curtain rod.
An adult man walks into a large strip of clear tape that was hung in the doorframe of a bathroom as a prank while in a house. He looks mostly unimpressed.
A tot boy pretends to fix a bathroom door with a screwdriver before he throws it into a toilet and flushes it.
Two teen girls jump out and scream "Happy Birthday" when a woman enters the house. The woman says that she nearly peed her pants and runs into the bathroom.
A man cleans up a flooded bathroom in which twin tot boys blame one another for the mess as they point and speak in gibberish.
A tot boy begs for help to hold all his stuffed animals before he sees how easy it actually is. Then he stands up and says, "bye!"
"Bathroom Breakout" A tot girl has locked herself in a bathroom, and she laughs and films herself as a man repeatedly slides the camera under the door. A woman tells her to unlock the door, then the man cheers when the girl listens and lets them into the bathroom.
A woman walks into a bathroom. She finds a tot girl in pajamas hiding behind the shower curtain holding a bottle of ranch dressing. She drinks the dressing from the bottle.
As a prank, a woman tries to pour a pitcher of water over the top of the shower curtain in a bathtub. But when she leans on the shower curtain rod, the rod collapses and she falls and breaks the toilet seat.
While she stands in a bathroom, a woman attempts to show her new boots to the camera but the boot gets stuck on the cabinet door as the door swings out with her foot and she face-plants between the door and the cabinet.
A woman tells a tot boy that he did a good job while he cleans a toilet in a bathroom. Another young kid yells that he used their back scrubber on the toilet.
A young boy flexes his muscles in a bathroom and makes a funny face and says "take picture now, you'll miss my muscles" and a man laughs and tells him it's a video and the boy makes a surprised face and says "What?" Animotica video.
A teen girl films as water erupts out of a bathroom toilet and shoots onto the ceiling as an adult man is spotted at the end under the cabinet attempting to stop it.